Submitting Mission Ideas
Good evening everyone!
Inspiration strikes at the oddest times, and sometimes that inspiration grows into mission concepts or mission ideas. Obviously on Federation Space we use up a LOT of missions: generally between 5 and 10 per year (5 ships averaging six months per mission), so my folder of missions read-to-go is often a lot emptier than I would like.

If people have a concept that they would like to put forward for review, this form will allow me to look at what we have "in the bank" and contact staff writers to develop your ideas into full on missions. Under normal circumstances I do not accept unsolicited mission outlines, but if you have something that you think will be really cool and you've already got it written down, get in touch with me and we will discuss!

Reminder that as a rule, I require that members refrain from writing missions for their own ships. There are multiple reasons for this, all of which I will be more than happy to discuss in private, but realistically it boils down to preventing people getting upset if the actions of the crew or GM mean the mission doesn't play out perfectly.

If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at this address or DM me on Discord, and watch this space for further announcements!

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