This could be HUGE for Star Trek

WARNING: Strong Language

I know it's Doomcock, and he only reports rumors, but time after time, those rumors pan out. But this was too big NOT to share.
I have mixed feelings about Doomcock. He can be right, but he's also all too eager to report rumors that never pan out. And he refused to even give Picard Season 3 (which was great) a chance.
True, but he has been right about a lot though.

He's entertaining though if you understand he's only a rumor mill.

Not getting into Picard Season 3 here, even though I enjoyed it for the most part, (mainly just the member berries which was really all it was) there were LOTS of issues why it just didn't stick the landing for me. The first two seasons suffered from the same problems as STD.

But I can see Doomcock's point of view. I try not to emulate him, as I do give things a chance despite what people think of me. But at the same time, like Doomcock I don't subscribe to the ideology that just because something has your favorite label on it, doesn't make it automatically good.

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