AT/D12 - Science Complex
== The Science Complex occupies a larger area than your average Science Lab. Taking up most of Deck 12. Specialist labs like Stellar Cartography are located on the same deck.

The Primary Science Lab is connected to the Chief Science Officer’s office. The lab contains two large scale replicators for parts, five consoles either side of the room for simulations and other research, two holo-tables, and six worktables with under table storage for science toolkits and other equipment.

Secondary and tertiary labs are smaller and each contain two regular replicators.Plenty of study alcoves are dotted throughout the complex, along with closed office cubes for focused work, and open-concept lounge-style idea exchange areas to facilitate scientific discovery and discussion. ==
<< Crew Quarters <<

== NRC Commander Judith Tucker, Science Officer ==

A slight smile peeked on Judith’s face as she entered one of her favorite places on the Artemis. Ah…home.  She nodded to the few officers who were working, finishing up on updates for the department. Judith was excited to get back to work, to give her something to think about without her son.  As she passed by the office for the department head, she remembered the days of her son playing on the floor while she worked long hours.

Well, I don’t have to worry about entertainment this go around. Tyra should appreciate that… I wonder how she’s handling being away from hers. 

She shook her head to empty the sad thoughts.  She went on to the stellar cartography lab, thinking that maybe they would have some data for where the ship would be headed. She could at least begin learning now.

As she entered the lab, her smile returned. It felt good to be back. She took a deep breath as she looked around to admire the lab. Then she approached the main console, plopping herself down to dive in. She started configuring the lab and then dove into looking for new data that would have been uploaded.  She dove in, losing track of time. It wasn't long before her mind was shocked by a familiar feeling. Judith's eyes narrowed in a slight pang as her son tapped into her thoughts.

~ Mom? Where's the shirt you bought me last week? The red one? ~ 

Knowing they weren't far and she could contact him, she grabbed her PADD and wrote a short and quick message. Just as she clicked send, Joshua responded again.

~ Sorry Mom... I know you're busy.  I'll go loo... (ping) read your email... but you could think to me...I know you don't like it. Miss you. ~ 

Judith smiled to herself as she heard Joshua close.  That boy!  Okay... where was I? 
Lucy liked the Science Complex of the Artemis. All the equipment you could need for almost every discipline of science and the room to work pretty much undisturbed. With the comm badge system it was next to impossible to get lost. Getting to know her fellow officers in the Science Complex wasn’t so easy. Each scientific substrata had its own clique. She’d come across this at the Academy. The bonus of being in the field was that when it mattered, they all came together.

The uniform fit well even if Lucy was ditching the comfort blanket of a larger sized uniform. Her concerns about her appearance causing a distraction were obviously unfounded, of course nobody risked the wrath of Captain Crawford. There was a very special Hell set aside that kind of person and rumor had it that the Captain knew where is was. The standard uniform wasn’t intentionally designed to arouse illicit feelings, as long as the cut was sensible.

It was an issue of form versus function.  Long as she couldn’t rip it by moving in a way that placed undue stress on the fabric, she was safe. She’d worked on making sure she had full range of movement during shoreleave. It had helped pass the time and was rather educational. Lucy knew that certain uniforms throughout the history of Starfleet had caused comment including two worn by her hero Seven of Nine as she integrated into the crew of the Voyager.

The recall hadn’t been a shock. You never really knew when a recall could be issued, shoreleave had been entertaining enough, up to a point. Lucy felt it was best not to speculate on where they were headed next. She was going over a revised version of the new Away Team packing list. It covered the essentials and kept the carry weight manageable. She’d even included a scrunchie. Alice bands were okay, just not her. Keeping that mane of copper under control when needed was an effort, but she’d manage.

Lucy gave the list one last go over before setting aside and waiting to see who turned up or if a general call went out for a meeting. The CSO’s office was unoccupied. Hopefully the Captain could find somebody sensible to fill the role. It certainly wasn’t a given. She hoped she could cope with whoever it was. She wasn’t ready for that kind of responsibility.

I’d like to learn to walk before I have to run.
== duplicate post ==
== Lieutenant Commander Cera Morgan ==

Cera had been part way out of the cargo bay when her PADD had chimed. She'd assumed it was Tyra with additional orders but no, it hadn't been something so reasonable.

She'd read Elias' message twice while in the turbolift before she'd checked the time stamp on it, which illicited an eye roll. The idiot had spent a week and some days ignoring her messages, deciding to party with his friends and now, after the recall, he'd decided it was a good time to resolve things. Clearly, he hadn't read any of the messages she'd sent him, particularly the last one written with the help of red wine after she'd found out he was back and partying with the engineers. If he had, he'd have read her apology for her side of the tango and have likely understood how pissed off she was at his antics, pissed off enough that he probably didn't have enough wine to placate.

Her fingers flew over her PADD as she typed out a quick answer before re-reading it. She didn't delete it ultimately but she didn't send it either. She suspected that he was only trying to fix things now because he could say he'd tried but the new missions prevented it, allowing him to hide further, but the reason aside, he didn't deserve a timely answer. He might not deserve an answer at all considering his message made it sound like they'd had a minor diaagree, not a knock down drag out fight followed by over a week of radio silence on his part.

She shoved the PADD into her pocket a little more aggressively than needed as the turbolift opened on the right deck. She took a deep breath but instead of steeling her spine like some, she slipped that mask of good graces and a sweet smile into place. She would not let an asshole upend her ability to perform her duties exquisitely.

Cera tried to make a point of dropping into each department on occasion; it was the easiest way to keep track of the ship's pulse, which was what she brought to the table for the command team. Yet, science wasn't a regular pit stop all things considered; she found that they were usually engrossed in their work and as a whole, not overly social, which made Intel gathering difficult. Today though, it seemed like a good place to hide for a bit.

The lab looked like it was starting to get busy with scientists focusing on their tasks, whatever that might be. She was looking for Judith, who she'd known since Cera's very early days as a yeoman sitting in senior staff meetings, but instead saw JG Devereaux, who had illicited quite the rumor after getting stunned two missions earlier but Cera had had very little contact with her.

"Hello, JG. How are you doing today?" Cera greeted Devereaux with a warm smile.

"Are we all busy on projects or taking a little break since the taskmaster is absent?" She asked, nodding towards the empty office.

Her dark eyes shifted around the main lab, taking note of who was and wasn't present. "Have you seen Tucker since recall?"

== Tag! ==
Lucy didn’t know where to file Cera Morgan. Definitely personable, but there was something eating at her even behind that smile. Lucy smiled as she enquired about what she was up to. Lucy had been having difficulty finding a research topic. Everybody had their pet projects. Commander Gregg had left a few extremely odd items behind. She’d discovered she wasn’t the first person to think of a packing list for Away Teams

“Revising the packing list for the next time I’m allowed on an Away Team. Commander Gregg left some odd recommendations. There’s a box in stores with a file attached about how to decapitate a corpse when you need to convince a group of civilian scientists that they are in danger, oddly specific. Think I’ll leave the grenades and explosive charges to Security.”

Lucy was sure she’d seen Commander Tucker on her way to the primary labs, but if she wasn’t in the office the next best thing was to ask the Computer.   

“I think I saw her earlier. Can always ask the Computer.”

It was hard to figure whether the Computer was always listening. It was definitely useful to have the Computer listening.

“Computer, please locate Commander Judith Tucker.”

[ Commander Judith Tucker, is located in the Stellar Cartography Lab, Deck 12.]

Or at least her comm badge was in the Stellar Cartography Lab. Protocol was to wear your comm badge on
duty.  Did she really have to be specific with the Computer? It certainly seemed to work.

“There’s your answer, Lieutenant Commander.”

== tag ==
As Lucy waited for Cera’s response she had this sense creeping over her that she should be somewhere. She couldn’t remember if somebody had drawn up the rota for the Bridge rotation. Despite how she’d felt at the end of the last mission a Science presence was still useful on the Bridge. Tactical knew stuff, but Science knew other stuff. She’d certainly found what wasn’t going on and she knew she needed to read up on the gaps in the stuff relating to what the Bridge needed.

“If you’ll excuse me Lieutenant Commander, I think I need to look after the Science Console on the Bridge. Hope you find Commander Tucker.”

Lucy got up from her console in the Primary Labs and nodded to Cera before leaving the Primary Labs and trying to remember where the nearest turbolift was.

>> Bridge>>
Judith was in a happy place, in the stellar cartography lab...or at least as happy as it could be with leaving her son behind. This would be the first time he wouldn't be with her for a mission entirety. She worked to intiate several projects for working, which would keep her busy. She would need that to fill her time. She included her continued work on improving the multitronic probes developed. Probes were necessary to support their learning but to have one that could think was even better. Things could happen and if one could make a few decisions quickly helped their knowledge. 

Coming to a point she could take a break to stretch her legs, grab some coffee, and a bite to eat, she spoke up to a science officer in the lab. 

"Be back in a minute Jill. Need to move around and grab a coffee. Would you like anything?" 

The younger science officer wearing a lieutenant ranking looked up from her console and smiled. "Thanks Judith. I'd love a fresh coffee." 

"You got it," Judith replied, getting up from her console. She gave a quick stretch, reaching to her feet and bouncing a little. As she finished, she turned to leave with a friendly response, "Be back in a moment!"

As Judith walked the science labs, she gave friendly smiles to other officers. She noticed the Commander Morgan, who she saw occassionally in the labs. 

She nodded at the commander as she greeted her. 

"Hi Commander. It's great to see you in the labs. Did you have a relaxing shore leave..."  Judith paused, starting to wonder if this was more of a business call and added more. "...or is this a business? We can chat about shore leave later if it is."
== Lieutenant Cera Morgan, Quartermaster ==

As Devereaux had excused herself for bridge duty, Cera had smiled and nodded her understanding. Her dark eyes had followed the redhead out of the room for a moment before considering the room as a whole. She was just making an educated guess on where the stellar cartography lab was located when the source of her quest appeared out of one of the department's labyrinth of halls.

Judith Tucker nodded at Cera and the blonde couldn't help but smile in greeting. "Hi Commander. It's great to see you in the labs. Did you have a relaxing shore leave..."

It was the pause that made Cera internally panic for a moment. Was it possible that her tumultuous shore leave had already became common knowledge? No, she had been incredibly careful to monitor the usual traffic to ensure that it hadn't become public knowledge; oh yes, there had been some comments about Ben's abrupt departure from DS9 as well as her own limited visibility during shore leave but nothing that she hadn't been able to bury under a couple of carefully curated tid bits of information.

"...or is this a business? We can chat about shore leave later if it is."

If there was one thing about Tucker that Cera had learned over the years , it was that she was very much to be taken at face value. She was honest, sweet and earnest, not at all one to play little games. That gave Cera some peace that she was still in control of the narrative, that everything would become public at her pace, which might be sooner rather than later if Ben continued to take the coward's way out.

"My shore leave didn't go as planned but I made the most of it, all the same. There's nothing a little wine can't fix, after all," she answered with a warm smile. "How was yours? How is your son doing? I'm sure he's gotten so big that I wouldn't even recognize him anymore!"

After they exchanged pleasantries for a few more moments, Cera focused on the reason for her trip, the reason other than her need for an escape that was in no way related to engineering. "I actually was stopping by to make sure that you had all of the supplies needed for your research. I usually get a combined supply request from the CSO but since the office is currently empty, I just wanted to make sure that I had received all of the requests and had fulfilled them adequately."

No sooner than she had let forth her officially reasoning for traveling down to the less traveled area of the ship, for her at least, than her PADD released a loud chime, indicating an urgent request. She smiled apologetically as she dug the PADD from its pocket, her brow furrowing as she read the message with its request to report to the Philadelphia for briefing. Firstly, she had no idea why the briefing was being held on that tiny little ship with its inadequate facilities; were they going to have to share chairs or just sit on each other's lap? Secondly, no doubt Ben would have gotten a similar summons and in such close quarters, there was no way to avoid him. Ironic considering he had been the one avoiding her but she frankly didn't want such a public encounter with him after everything.

And the best part was it was entirely his fault. If he had just answered her messages, any of them, they could have made their peace privately but no, he had partied with his little friends instead of begin even slightly responsible. His terrible timing with his dinner request was just icing on the cake.

For a split second, her frustration was clearly visible on her face before it was carefully hidden once more. She shot Tucker a flawless smile but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm so sorry. The captain needs my attention elsewhere but please, check over everything and let me know personally if there is anything missing," she apologized, even as she stuffed her PADD back in her pocket and begun moving with a purpose out of science.

== Tag! ==

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